<aside> 💡 In this video you will learn how to enroll and unenroll a visitor from an event. You can switch to a daily view to filter your view by a particular day.
Enrolling a participant to an event from the Events Calendar does not
create a transaction or process a payment through the POS, or the Event Widget.
How do I enroll and enter a participant into an event for free?
I'm encountering an error while trying to enroll a participant in an event. Can you explain why this is happening?
How do visitors check in for events in BETA?
Will online availability be subtracted if participants are enrolled by staff manually to an event, but choose to pay at the centre in-person?
What if I do not wish to send a participant an event confirmation email, but still wish to take payment for the booking?
Screen Recording 2025-01-09 at 09.12.14.mp4