<aside> 💡 Quickbooks (QB) is a premier cloud-based accounting platforms for streamlined financial management.


<aside> 🎁 The Quickbooks integration is available BETA users on Community tier or higher. To use the integration you also need a Quickbooks account.


Integrate Quickbooks in BETA

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Automatic Account Creation in QB Integration

When you integrate your BETA climbing gym software with Quickbooks, the system will automatically create specific accounts in Quickbooks to help manage your financial transactions. Here's what you need to know about these accounts:

  1. BETALB : This account is created for all current liabilities, such as deposits and unredeemed gift cards.

  2. BETACR : This account is designed to manage all incoming payments.

  3. BETAS{TAXRATE} : For each tax rate at which you sell products, a unique account is generated with the name above followed by the applicable tax rate. These accounts help you categorise sales based on different tax rates.


    <aside> ↙️ The liability account increases in value (a CREDIT) when:

    <aside> ↗️ The liability account decreases in value (a DEBIT) when:

If you ever add prices into new tax categories, please either manually create the necessary account in your Quickbooks Chart of Accounts, or let us know and we will ensure the necessary accounts have been created.

Custom Accounts

The Tax Rate Accounts automatically created by our system are simply fallback accounts. You can use whatever accounts you like to organize your revenue. Before allocating any sales or refunds to our fallback accounts, we check for an account matching the Category of the Price associated with the line item.