<aside> 🤔 At the end of the day you can use the Balance function to send a manual journal entry to Xero with a balance adjustment for the mismatch between actual funds collected and expected funds collected.
This can be used for External Terminals & Cash, separately. With the Balance Tool you can submit an adjustment to the values collected inside of BETA, to account for any discrepancies.
To Balance out the records sent out to your XERO integration, at the END OF DAY, Navigate to the POS.
Click on Show Totals, in the bottom right of the screen
Click on the relevant ✏️ Edit Button, to submit the Expected Value (ie the value you counted in your cash drawer, or displayed in the terminal).
<aside> ❗ The Balance tool will automatically determine if your post needs to be a CREDIT or a DEBIT once you enter the Expected Total.
Before submitting ENSURE THAT THIS IS CORRECT, as unlike typical accounting journal entries, the Balance journal is uploaded immediately upon entering of the balance amount.
This journal will create two line items for each payment method indicated: One in the BETA CURRENT
in XERO account for the indicated payment method adjustment, and one in the Historical Adjustments account to balance the first line.
<aside> ❗ ATTENTION: Your Historical Adjustments account have the code 840
<aside> ➕ When you enter a DEBIT (positive value) in XERO: The BETA totals were lower than expected and need to be increased to match the external payment source.
<aside> ➖ A CREDIT (negative value) in XERO: will decrement the BETA totals to match a lower expected external payment total.