<aside> 💡 Through the BETA app, climbers can generate a QR code to check-in via a tablet in kiosk mode or turnstiles using BETA’s API. Climber’s can also conveniently add a QR code into their Apple or Google wallet.

To generate a QR code, the climber must have purchased a pass beforehand. Climbers can purchase a pass directly at the desk through the POS, through your online widget displaying passes, or directly through the app.


<aside> <img src="/icons/reorder_lightgray.svg" alt="/icons/reorder_lightgray.svg" width="40px" /> In the BETA app, the QR code auto-expires within 5 minutes, meaning that visitors are unable to check-in with a QR code generated more than 5 minutes old.

In Apple/Google wallet - the QR code is static meaning that once generate, this QR code will only expire once the relevant pass expires. BETA is not in control of this, and this cannot be altered through Google/Apple Wallet.





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Access family member passes from the BETA app

Visitor QR code check in via Kiosk Mode (App)

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